As part of our candidate application and recruitment process Peoples collects, processes and stores personal information about you. We process this information for a range of purposes relating to the recruitment process and this may include your application, assessment, pre-employment screening, and your worker permissions.
Throughout this Privacy Notice we use the term “processing” to cover all activities involving your personal information, including collecting, handling, storing, sharing, accessing, using, transferring and disposing of the information.
Why we collect your personal information:
In order to manage your application, we need to process certain personal information about you. We need to process your data to take the necessary steps prior to entering into any contract with you, for the purpose of progressing your application, or as required by law or regulatory requirements. We may also need to process your data if we agree to enter into a contract with you. We have a legitimate interest in processing your data during a recruitment process to ensure that we make and keep records of this process. These records allow us to manage the process effectively, assess a candidate’s suitability for employment and decide whom to offer roles too.
What personal information is collected:
Peoples collect a range of data about you during a recruitment process which will include:
This information will be collected from your CV and/or covering letter on application to us, plus from your examination certificates, passport, driving license and other identity documents provided. We may also collect personal data about you from third parties, such as references obtained from former employers. This data will be stored in an electronic format on our internal IT systems and also in paper form within our HR Department.
How is your information processed within our Recruitment Process:
The recruitment process will involve:
Peoples will need to share your personal information internally for recruitment purposes strictly for decision making purposes. The information shared will be limited to what is required by each individual to perform their role in the recruitment process. Your personal information may be shared internally with the following people:
We may be required to share your information with external third parties if your application is successful and you are offered a position with the Company, however we will inform you of this beforehand to obtain your consent. Your information will only be shared if it is necessary or required. If your application is unsuccessful we may keep your personal data on file for any suitable employment opportunities. We will seek your consent before we do so and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us in writing to
During the recruitment process we also capture some sensitive personal data about you (e.g. disability information). We do this in order to make reasonable adjustments to enable our candidates to apply for jobs with us, to be able to take online/telephone assessments, to attend interviews/assessment centres, to prepare for starting at Peoples (if successful) and to ensure that we comply with regulatory obligations placed on us with regard to our hiring.
Your Rights:
You are entitled to see the information that Peoples holds about you. You have the right to stop us processing your data on demand, to ask us to delete your data on demand or to change any incorrect or incomplete data we hold on you. If you believe we have not complied with your rights, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.
If you have any queries about this notice or your personal information generally, including questions about accessing your personal information or correcting it, you should contact HR Team in the first instance at Alternatively, there is information available on our internet about accessing your personal information, please search for “subject access requests”.
It is your responsibility to keep your personal information up to date so that accurate application records can be maintained.
The company reserves the right to amend this document and the most up to date version will be posted on this site.