Brian has been part of our team at Speke for ? years as a Service Technician. Our technicians are what we like to call the 'backbone' to our workships and play a vital role in keeping our customers and their vehicles on the move. He spends his days in our Speke workshop but we managed to grab him for a quick Q&A, check it out below.
Don't forget, we're currently recruiting for new technicians to join our team. Just click here to learn more.
Ah great question. There's so many possible answers but the first answer jumping out is definitely when I was about 12 years old. Playing football all day and mum making my dinners!
There were so many different things, you name it, I wanted to be it. The one that stuck along the longest ( and is still very much what I want to be! ) is a footballer.
Heights. My biggest and only fear. Nothing high up for me!
Somewhere warm and sandy with my kids. Oh, and a beer in hand of course.
Has to be my kids.
Chocolate and crisps
Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his scrabble letters on the road... I ask him, what's the word on the street?
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